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  • AI learns language by studying infant’s head cam recordings

AI learns language by studying infant’s head cam recordings

And: Audio-jacking | OpenAI API for Beginners: Your Easy-to-Follow Starter Guide

Applying AI

Image source: NYU

Summary - Scientists at NYU have developed an AI system that learned language concepts by analyzing video and audio recordings from a child's headcam, capturing the essence of language acquisition from the perspective of a child. Unlike AI systems like GPT-4, which require trillions of words for training, this study demonstrates that AI can learn from a significantly smaller dataset, mirroring the millions of words a child is exposed to annually. This research utilized recordings from a single child and achieved a substantial understanding of words and concepts, potentially revolutionizing our approach to studying early language and concept acquisition.

Buoy points:

  • Innovative Learning Approach: The AI system was trained using just 1% of a child's waking hours.

  • Data Collection Methodology: The child, Sam, wore a head-mounted camera for an hour twice a week, gathering audiovisual data from his viewpoint, which included about 250,000 word instances linked to what he saw during various activities.

  • AI Training and Results: By associating images seen with words heard, the AI learned to connect words with their visual counterparts, a method similar to how children learn language.

  • Conceptual Generalization: The AI system was not only able to learn specific words and concepts but also to generalize these concepts to new visual contexts.

  • Implications for Language Acquisition: This research offers new insights into the essential elements of language learning for children.

POV - This was amazingly fascinating for me. I am all in on how we apply AI to the broad spectrum of life. This is a novel step forward. I can see how this could help early detection of learning abilities. Imagine collecting thousands of data sets, then further studying a subset of data that was collected from babies who later earn ultra-high IQ scores.

AI Security

Image source: Security Intelligence

Summary - Researchers at IBM were able to successfully intercept a live call, and using generative AI, alter the live audio for nefarious purposes - in this example, diverting financial transactions by “audio-jacking” the account number. Using speech-to-text, and text-to-speech technologies, attackers can manipulate live conversations without the knowledge of the participants.

Buoy points:

  • AI Misuse: Generative AI can be weaponized to manipulate live audio, affecting financial transactions.

  • AI Technology Combination: AI innovation is going multi-modal, and tech leaders need to be on guard for bad actors using combined AI technologies to execute a cyber attack.

  • Ease of Attack Execution: Building an attack PoC (Proof of Concept) is alarmingly straightforward.

  • Widespread Impact Potential: Threats extend beyond finances to any sensitive verbal communication. Campaign strategy comes to mind.

  • Defense Evolution: Technologies will evolve to detect and counteract audio manipulations.

  • Vigilance and Best Practices: Human intuition and security practices remain key defenses. Best practices that help guard against social engineering techniques can be applied today, until defensive detection tools catch up.

Image source: Security Intelligence

POV - Ahhh, the double-edged sword that comes with all innovation. There is a sliver of human nature that will always look for exploitation. With the rapid pace of AI adoption, we just need to be on guard and use common sense. 

AI training

Image source: Abid Ali Awan | KDnuggets

Summary - Do you want to learn AI and go beyond just using an AI chatbox? Here is an easy to follow guide. Even if you are a complete beginner, this guide is easy to follow. With a little time and patience, you can learn this new skill have open the doors to big AI capabilities. If you get to points in this guide where you are confused, there probably is an explanatory YouTube video on it. Be bold! Give it a try.

Buoy points:

  1. Create an account. Go to OpenAI.com and create an account.

  2. Add your billing information. Don’t worry, using the API is very affordable. The author used $.22.

  3. Get an API key. Navigate to the API key page and create a new secret key, optionally naming the key.

  4. Once the account is set up and the API key is obtained, explore different engines and experiment with different prompts and parameters to see how the API responds.

  5. Set the OpenAI API key in your Python code and perform tasks such as listing all OpenAI models and using specific models for text generation.

  6. Explore the various possibilities of the OpenAI API, including its interface to different product offerings via API endpoints using curl or the OpenAI Python library.

  7. For beginners, it is recommended to check out resources such as interactive Python programming environments, Python's beginner's guide, JavaScript and NodeJS beginner's guide, and JSON 101 to enhance their understanding of programming basics for using the OpenAI API