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  • Robot Trained to Read Braille at Twice the Speed of Humans

Robot Trained to Read Braille at Twice the Speed of Humans

And: Meta Introduces Code Llama 70B | Nightshade AI Poison Tool

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In Today’s Edition

Robot & Braille

Image source: Cambridge University

Summary - Hold onto your hats, folks, because robots are learning to read braille at lightning speed! Researchers at Cambridge University built a robotic sensor that whizzes through braille text twice as fast as humans, achieving 90% accuracy. This tech wasn't made for reading bedtime stories to cyborgs, but it paves the way for super-sensitive robot hands and prosthetics.

Buoy points:

  • Enhanced Braille Reading Speed and Accuracy: The robot can read braille at 315 words per minute with an 87% accuracy rate, outperforming most human readers in speed.

  • Advanced Sensory Technology: The project showcases the potential for advanced sensitivity in robotics, mimicking the human fingertip's ability to detect minute textural changes.

  • Combination of Techniques: The researchers utilized off-the-shelf sensors, machine learning for image deblurring, and computer vision models for character detection and classification.

  • Potential Beyond Braille: While the focus is on braille reading, the technology's sensitivity and accuracy have implications for broader applications, such as texture detection and improved grip in robotic manipulation.

  • Engineering Challenges in Robotics: The research addresses significant engineering challenges in replicating human-like sensitivity and efficiency in robotic hands, particularly when interacting with flexible or deformable surfaces.

  • Future Expansion: Plans to scale the technology to the size of a humanoid hand or skin, indicating potential for more integrated and versatile robotic systems.

POV - This tech could to lead to so much, including super-sensitive prosthetic limbs, for example. With Elon’s announcement this week of the first successful Neuralink implantation, who knows what could be in store for humanity. I could see this aiding delicate surgeries, or use in safely disabling bombs in law enforcement or military applications, or simply a much more real augmented reality experience. What use-cases would you want to see?


Image source: Meta

Summary - Meta's Code Llama is a potential game-changer for developers and regular humans alike. This AI model can write code, explain it in plain English, and even help you debug your existing programs. It's like having a coding superhero sidekick at your fingertips, boosting your productivity and making coding a breeze.

Buoy points:

  • Specialization in Coding: Specifically designed for coding tasks, making it highly effective in generating and interpreting code.

  • Python-Specific Model: There is a version tailored for Python, suggesting a focused utility for one of the most popular programming languages.

  • Training on Extensive Datasets: The model's training on large datasets ensures a broad understanding of various coding scenarios and languages.

  • Free for Various Uses: Its availability for both research and commercial use without cost enhances accessibility for a wide range of users.

  • Superior Performance: Outperforms other large language models in coding tasks, indicating a significant advancement in AI-driven coding assistance.

POV - As AI tools like Code Llama become more sophisticated, they could transform the coding landscape. Imagine a world where developers focus on creativity and problem-solving, while AI handles the tedious coding tasks. Also, new use-cases will emerge as software development is democratized for new learners to enter the field. I plan on playing with this in the near future. Do you plan on experimenting Code Llama?


Image source: VentureBeat

Summary - The University of Chicago released Nightshade, a new product designed to help artists fight back against AI art theft. This free tool lets artists inject tiny errors into their art, tripping up AI models and rendering their copies useless. In just 5 days, it racked up a crazy 250,000 downloads!

Buoy points:

  • Art warriors rise: Artists are fed up with their work being used to train AI image generators without permission. Nightshade gives them a way to say, "Hands off my pixels!"

  • Poisoned creativity: Nightshade alters art with imperceptible tweaks, like misplaced brushstrokes or hidden watermarks, confusing AI models and preventing accurate copies.

  • Ethical AI showdown: This raises huge questions about AI training data and ownership. Should artists have more control over how their work is used?

  • Copycat blues: While Nightshade protects artists, it could also stifle AI art development. Finding a balance between protecting creators and fostering innovation is key.

POV - Among many themes that are emerging in 2024, copyrights ownership and AI training on copyrighted materials is a big one. There have been many reports of lawsuits - a reactive response. Nightshade goes on the offense by “poisoning” art and confusing AI training models. Ultimately, the private sector will need to implement a framework and/or the legal area will need to settle copyrights battles, weighing issues of fair use vs. protected art. What is your take on this?